Actress Fay of the original "King Kong" NYT Crossword Clue
Last seen: The New York Times, 27 Oct 2019
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NYT - October 27, 2019 Crossword Clues
- Emulate Johnny AppleseedCrossword Clue
- H, to HellenesCrossword Clue
- Total failureCrossword Clue
- What socks usually doCrossword Clue
- Display piece for tchotchkesCrossword Clue
- One of 11 in a Christmas carolCrossword Clue
- BitCrossword Clue
- Company that once offered "the Thrift Book of a Nation"Crossword Clue
- Foil alternativesCrossword Clue
- Iraq War concern, in briefCrossword Clue
- Billiards maneuverCrossword Clue
- Exclaim "@#%!"Crossword Clue
- Accessory with a bass drumCrossword Clue
- Intake suggestion, brieflyCrossword Clue
- Loser of a beauty contest, in mythCrossword Clue
- Protagonist in Toni Morrison's "Beloved"Crossword Clue
- Skate park featuresCrossword Clue
- Glenn Frey's "The Heat ___"Crossword Clue
- Tilling toolCrossword Clue
- QB defenders, collectivelyCrossword Clue
- Take a mulligan onCrossword Clue
- Ricochet like a hockey puckCrossword Clue
- To a certain extent, colloquiallyCrossword Clue
- Infomercial imperativeCrossword Clue
- Graduate's "honor"Crossword Clue
- Carousel mount, to a totCrossword Clue
- Emma Stone's role in "La La Land"Crossword Clue
- Place for regularsCrossword Clue
- Handel's "___, Galatea e Polifemo"Crossword Clue
- Bitter greenCrossword Clue
- Regards covetouslyCrossword Clue
- Excited, with "up"Crossword Clue
- ___ Kenyatta, president of Kenya starting in 2013Crossword Clue
- Something set by a stoveCrossword Clue
- Submission to a record label, onceCrossword Clue
- Rodeo loopCrossword Clue
- Hand overCrossword Clue
- Pill bug, biologicallyCrossword Clue
- Third-longest river in Europe, after the Volga and DanubeCrossword Clue
- Neutral response from a therapistCrossword Clue
- Birds known to mimic car alarms and human speechCrossword Clue
- An earl outranks himCrossword Clue
- Major fussCrossword Clue
- Wedding bands?Crossword Clue
- Unlock, to ShakespeareCrossword Clue
- Tear to shredsCrossword Clue
- Brown seaweedsCrossword Clue
- U.S. island owned almost entirely by billionaire Larry EllisonCrossword Clue
- Manic-looking, in a wayCrossword Clue
- "Ya dig?," in more modern slangCrossword Clue
- Get up in the face ofCrossword Clue
- Important members of the community, so to speakCrossword Clue
- Where menisci are foundCrossword Clue
- Virtual stickyCrossword Clue
- French novelist ZolaCrossword Clue
- Meditative syllablesCrossword Clue
- Relating to a certain arm boneCrossword Clue
- Year of the final flight of the ConcordesCrossword Clue
- French-speaking African nationCrossword Clue
- Eyedropper, essentiallyCrossword Clue
- Ad phrase indicating higher pricing tiersCrossword Clue
- Amtrak stop: AbbrCrossword Clue
- Mark of a scam artistCrossword Clue
- Hooked onCrossword Clue
- Laura of "Big Little Lies"Crossword Clue
- Bad thing to come up in a title searchCrossword Clue
- Battling it outCrossword Clue
- BoondocksCrossword Clue
- Provide an addressCrossword Clue
- In one's heart of heartsCrossword Clue
- Its square equals its square rootCrossword Clue
- Didn't just hint atCrossword Clue
- Gold digger's goldmineCrossword Clue
- Like some servings of ScotchCrossword Clue
- HeapsCrossword Clue
- Abbr. between * and #Crossword Clue
- Separation at a wedding?Crossword Clue
- Its closest neighbor is AndromedaCrossword Clue
- Tiny objectionsCrossword Clue
- Lake bordered by four states and a provinceCrossword Clue
- Big fat liesCrossword Clue
- Stopped a flightCrossword Clue
- Frosty encrustationCrossword Clue
- They're kept under wraps for a long timeCrossword Clue
- Nut extract used in skin careCrossword Clue
- Alma mater of Tesla's Elon MuskCrossword Clue
- Biweekly occurrence, for manyCrossword Clue
- What x's sometimes representCrossword Clue
- What lettuce lends to a sandwichCrossword Clue
- Endeavor recognized by the César awardsCrossword Clue
- Sketch outCrossword Clue
- All-vowel avowalCrossword Clue
- Modern, in MunichCrossword Clue
- Jazzman BlakeCrossword Clue
- PipsqueaksCrossword Clue
- Non-proCrossword Clue
- SteamyCrossword Clue
- Neuf + deuxCrossword Clue
- The "two" in "two if by sea"Crossword Clue
- Popular D.I.Y. siteCrossword Clue
- Mr. WrongCrossword Clue
- Mode, on a menuCrossword Clue
- Cent : euro :: ___ : kronaCrossword Clue
- Pop coversCrossword Clue
- Verdi's "___ tu"Crossword Clue
- Like a crowd when the headliner takes the stageCrossword Clue
- New Guinea port that was Amelia Earhart's last known point of departureCrossword Clue
- Campaign ... or a campaign topicCrossword Clue
- Dairy sourcesCrossword Clue
- Portuguese-speaking African nationCrossword Clue
- Carry some relevance forCrossword Clue
- ScatterbrainsCrossword Clue
- What many a navel-gazer gazes atCrossword Clue
- JagCrossword Clue
- Word repeated in "___ ou ne pas ___"Crossword Clue
- YarnCrossword Clue
- Person who might call you outCrossword Clue
- Where you might need to get a gripCrossword Clue
- Types who think school is too coolCrossword Clue
- Derisive chucklesCrossword Clue
- "You get the idea"Crossword Clue
- Original N.Y.C. subway lineCrossword Clue
- Executor's chargeCrossword Clue
- Pounce on, as an opportunityCrossword Clue
- Reid of "The Big Lebowski"Crossword Clue
- Total stunnersCrossword Clue
- W-2 IDsCrossword Clue
- Neon markerCrossword Clue
- Is blinded by rageCrossword Clue
- Epic narrativeCrossword Clue
- Treatment for Parkinson'sCrossword Clue
- Just duckyCrossword Clue