Just then, Dana, a bandmate Ava was crushing on, walked up lugging a ___ NYT Crossword Clue
Last seen: The New York Times, 30 Aug 2023
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NYT - August 30, 2023 Crossword Clues
- ___ was a girl named AvaCrossword Clue
- One day, after school, Ava called a ___Crossword Clue
- Dana's reaction was the start of an ___ for AvaCrossword Clue
- Ava mustered every ___ in her brainCrossword Clue
- After that spark, the pair bonded in large ___Crossword Clue
- and Ava preferred Accra in ___,Crossword Clue
- Ava's ___ joy wasCrossword Clue
- which were an ___ distractionCrossword Clue
- As Ava ___ nearby, gathering her courage,Crossword Clue