Like the 70s vis-à-vis the 60s or 50s, say NYT Crossword Clue
Last seen: The New York Times, 02 Oct 2019
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The New York Times Crosswords Daily Answers
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NYT - October 02, 2019 Crossword Clues
- 1999 rom-com with Julia Roberts and Hugh GrantCrossword Clue
- Fam. tree memberCrossword Clue
- Units of cookiesCrossword Clue
- Part of a swordCrossword Clue
- Chip away atCrossword Clue
- Superfood sometimes called "purple gold"Crossword Clue
- Large chunk of cashCrossword Clue
- "True Detective" channelCrossword Clue
- Board game with black-and-white piecesCrossword Clue