Uncomfortably tight spot, informally NYT Crossword Clue
Last seen: The New York Times, 25 Apr 2015
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The New York Times Crosswords Daily Answers
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NYT - April 25, 2015 Crossword Clues
- Leader in electronic music with multiple GrammysCrossword Clue
- Golden age for voice actingCrossword Clue
- Brand name with 2/3 capital letters in its logoCrossword Clue
- Space racersCrossword Clue
- 17-time All-Star of the 1960s-'80sCrossword Clue
- Wound upCrossword Clue
- 2000 film set in France that was nominated for five Academy AwardsCrossword Clue
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- First name in ObjectivismCrossword Clue