Ambulance chasers NYT Crossword Clue
Last seen: The New York Times, 24 Dec 2005
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NYT - December 24, 2005 Crossword Clues
- Part of a modern soldier's addressCrossword Clue
- French writer who coined the phrase "Facts are stubborn things"Crossword Clue
- Henry Higgins and othersCrossword Clue
- It has some crustCrossword Clue
- First star ever photographed, 1850Crossword Clue
- Nobelist who proposed a League of PeaceCrossword Clue
- Ends of the earthCrossword Clue
- 1906 novel that helped produce widespread social reformsCrossword Clue
- Ellen who won three Emmys between 1973 and 1976Crossword Clue