Moved to the music, slangily NYT Crossword Clue
Last seen: The New York Times, 18 Aug 1998
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NYT - August 18, 1998 Crossword Clues
- Leave without payingCrossword Clue
- Denunciate, with "at"Crossword Clue
- 1958 Rosalind Russell comedyCrossword Clue
- Gardens amidst the sandsCrossword Clue
- Abbr. on an envelopeCrossword Clue
- HankeringsCrossword Clue
- 1981 Joan Crawford exposé starring Faye DunawayCrossword Clue
- Clumps of earthCrossword Clue
- 1963 film of a Chekhov classic with Laurence OlivierCrossword Clue